...His reign must be established on earth as it is in heaven.
It is He Himself who said so in the prayer that He taught us, the Our Father: “thy
kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.” And this must be
the object of our prayers, the intention of our sufferings, and the purpose of
our life. We must have no rest until Our
Lords reign is established. A Catholic
whose heart is not animated by this
profound desire is not Catholic. He is
not one of the faithful of Our Lord Jesus Christ. It suffices to re-read these lines: “Now at
last in these times He has spoken to us, with a Son to speak for Him; a Son
whom He has appointed to inherit all things, just as it was through Him that He
created this world of time” (Heb.1:2).
Our Lord Jesus Christ is King now. All power has been given to Him in heaven and
on earth. “Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven,” says Our Lord. If,
then, Our Lord’s will must be done on earth, it means that His law, the Decalogue,
must be applied on earth as it is in heaven.
We must profess this even if churchmen want no more of it. This is what is dividing the Church at
present. As for us, we want Our Lord’s
honour and the social kingship of Our Lord Jesus Christ, which must be applied
universally. We will fight for this, and
we will do our utmost to crown Jesus Christ King.
…We do not want to be governed by men who are not subject to
Our Lord. If only all our rulers
understood that they must be subject to Our Lord Jesus Christ, who is the King
of kings, the Lord of lords He is the
King. He could have been the king on
earth and continue to govern us. But He
will be one day, when He descends upon the clouds in the heavens. Everyone will have to render an account to
this King and Judge.
Meanwhile, today we want authorities, leaders who know that
they will render an account to God for the exercise of their power and their government. For we love to be subject to persons who do
not believe themselves to be the authors of all power. Even if they have been elected by the people,
the people do not have power; the people are not God. The people can designate the one who
will exercise authority, but it does not give the authority; authority comes
from God: “there is no power but from God,” says St Paul (Rom.13:1)
The Mass of all Time. Angelus Press chapter The Communion. to be continued